Coworking Space Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts for Members

Coworking spaces have become a popular choice for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers seeking a productive environment. These shared workspaces foster creativity, collaboration, and community. However, with a diverse mix of professionals working under one roof, it’s essential to adhere to certain etiquette to ensure a harmonious environment for everyone. In this blog, we’ll explore the key do’s and don’ts of coworking space etiquette that every member should follow.


  1. Respect Shared Spaces:
    • Always clean up after yourself, whether you’re in the kitchen, meeting rooms, or common areas. Leaving a tidy space shows respect for others who use the facilities.
  2. Maintain a Professional Environment:
    • Keep noise levels to a minimum. If you need to take calls, use designated phone booths or quiet areas. Avoid loud conversations or playing music without headphones.
  3. Be Considerate with Resources:
    • Use shared resources like printers, coffee machines, and meeting rooms judiciously. Remember that others might need these resources too, so avoid monopolizing them.
  4. Network Respectfully:
    • While networking is encouraged, be mindful of others’ time and space. If someone is deeply focused, avoid interrupting them for a chat. Instead, set up a time to connect when it’s convenient for both parties.
  5. Adhere to Booking Systems:
    • If your coworking space has a system for booking meeting rooms or other facilities, make sure to follow it. Cancel any bookings you don’t need to free up space for others.


  1. Don’t Occupy Space Beyond Your Needs:
    • Avoid spreading out and taking up more space than necessary. Keep your belongings contained within your designated area so others can comfortably use the shared workspace.
  2. Don’t Disturb Quiet Zones:
    • Many coworking spaces have designated quiet areas for focused work. Respect these zones by avoiding loud conversations, phone calls, or other disruptive activities in these spaces.
  3. Don’t Leave Messes Behind:
    • Whether it’s in the kitchen, at your desk, or in meeting rooms, leaving a mess for others to clean up is inconsiderate. Always tidy up after yourself to maintain a clean and pleasant environment for everyone.
  4. Don’t Interrupt When Others Are Working:
    • It’s great to network and socialize, but be mindful of when someone is focused on their work. If you want to chat or collaborate, wait until they’re available or suggest meeting up later.
  5. Don’t Be Inflexible with Shared Resources:
    • Avoid rigidly holding onto shared resources like meeting rooms, printers, or power outlets for long periods. Be willing to share or step aside when others need to use them as well.


Coworking spaces thrive on a culture of respect, collaboration, and community. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can contribute to a positive and productive environment for yourself and your fellow coworkers. Remember, good etiquette not only makes the coworking experience enjoyable for everyone but also fosters a sense of community and professionalism that benefits all members. So, the next time you walk into your coworking space, keep these tips in mind to ensure a harmonious and efficient workspace.